Construction Update | Clubhouse Progress

Our current Clubhouse construction is focused on building the suspended slab – which forms the roof of the Clubhouse’s underground parkade and the floor of the clubhouse.

At the end of July, we poured 600 meters of concrete, completing the first third of the slab.  With trucks arriving by 6am that morning, the concrete pour began at 6:30am.  We poured concrete until about 4pm and trowelled it smooth until 8pm.

Concrete columns have now been built on top of the basement floor; these will support the main floor slab above.

This image shows the formwork for the concrete floor near the washrooms.  The things sticking up are to create holes in the floor to allow the pipes to go through to the basement.

The forms are complete for our next pour, with mechanical and all electrical carefully laid out.  By the end of August, weather permitting; we will pour the middle third of the suspended slab.  The full length of this slab, once complete, will be approximately 360 feet x 160 feet.


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